Saturday, January 12, 2008


Page: 243
1. One reason for cell division is to replace old cell with new ones. Another reason is to repair other damaged cells.
2. The DNA in a cell is like a library in that it contains a lot of important information.
3. The solution to problems in cell growth is making a daughter cell with the same genetic information.
4. As a cell increases in size the surface area increases more rapidly than its volume.
5. 1:24

Page: 249
1. The main events of the cell cycle are Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Antaphase, Telephase, Cytokenesis.
2.During Interphase the cells DNA is replicated. During Prophphase chromatin condenses into chromosomes. During Metaphse the chromosomes line up with the cells equator. During Anaphase the chromosomes separate. During Telephase two new membranes are formed. During Cytokinesis the two cell separate.
3. During Interphase the cell is replicating DNA chromosomes cannot be seen in this stage.
4. Chromosomes are made of chromatin.
5. Prokaryotic cells divide simple by separating.6. Plant cells and animals cells complete cytokinesis similarly by separating the cytoplasm and nucleus. In animal cells the cytoplasm is simply pinched off, but in plant cells. The cell plate gust forms in the middle of the two new cells.

Page: 252
1. The chemical that regulates the cell cycle is cyclin. It works by timing the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells.
2. When a cell does not respond to the signals of cyclin it does not progress in the cell cycle so the cells form tumors.
3. Cells respond to other cells by stopping growth.4. Cancer is a disease of the cell cycle because. It stops the cell from receiving proteins and damages the tissue around it
.5. If you injected a cell during mitosis. Then the cell cycle could speed up or stop because. Cyclin regulates the timing of the cell cycle in cells.

Page: 257
1. volume
2. two daughter cells
3. centiole
4. 6
5. chromatids
6. prophase
7. metaphase
8. cyclin
9. proceed and stop the cycle
10. cancer

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